ATR Thrive
What is ATR Thrive?
The ATR Thrive LLC owners and management team have extensive experience in the dairy industry, farming, calf rearing, animal nutrition, and animal health management, as well as food chemistry and business experience. ATR Thrive’s wider reference team includes respected farmers and calf rearers, researchers, veterinarians, and nutritionists. The ATR team has completed trialing the ATR products on thousands of calves on several commercial dairies. The results are consistent and significant – Improved profit from better digestion, resulting in stronger appetite, better growth, reduced need for treatments, lower mortality, and less stress for staff. Every feed of milk given to an infant animal requires complete digestion. Undigested or partially digested milk results in nutritional scours and compromised nutrition. To resolve this problem, the standard recommendation across the entire dairy farming industry is to limit the amount of milk that is fed to calves, kids, and lambs instead of addressing better digestion. This limits their nutrition, growth, development, and potential. The patent-pending Get-Go supplements are specially formulated products that enable complete digestion of milk and milk products and support an optimized biome. This can eliminate nutritional scours. Get-Go enhances the absorption of colostrum, which is critical to establish and support a healthy digestive tract. Get-Go is designed for use in every feeding from birth until weaning. It also assists transitions to solid feed such as hay or grain. Complete digestion of fats in milk or milk replacers makes a significant difference to the health and well-being of calves. These unique formulas are specifically designed to give calves, kids, or lambs the most beneficial start to life, and subsequent growth and development.
Company Leadership

Neville McNaughton
Director Of Technology
Neville McNaughton is a recognized expert in cheese making, dairy foods processing, and dairy system design. Currently, Neville is the founder/owner of CheezSorce LLC and Sanitary Design Industries (SDI). SDI was founded to provide products that support the innovative ideas promoted by CheezSorce and its equipment and new technologies are helping to re-set the standards in cheese making and Safe Food Processing. Neville is originally from New Zealand.