Eemerg Roadside Assistance Marketplace
What is Eemerg Roadside Assistance Marketplace?
Eemerg roadside assistance is a revolutionary solution to emergency automotive dilemmas. Eemerg is an on-demand mobile roadside assistance marketplace geared toward customers with limited roadside assistance options. We are uniquely solving roadside assistance emergencies through an open platform where customers have multiple provider options at their fingertips with the press of a button. This app enables customers to decide which provider they want to go with, how much money they want to spend, and how long they want to wait for services. Not only is Eemerg cost-effective, but we also offer quicker response times as well.
Company Leadership

Whitney McClendon-Gregory
Whitney McClendon-Gregory is an ambitious CEO from Saint Louis, MO. She is the founder of Eemerg Roadside Assistance Marketplace. Eemerg, launched in early 2019, is a roadside assistance app created with the average consumer in mind. Whitney saw the need for a safe and consumer-friendly application to provide the automotive services that users need most. She is dedicated to providing an open marketplace platform where both customers and service providers can choose a suitable price option for their needs.
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