Gateway Quantum Electronics
What is Gateway Quantum Electronics?
Quantum technologies will change society in profound and unimaginable ways. Gateway Quantum Electronics is building hardware to automate the operation of quantum noise-limited microwave amplifiers, making quantum computers scalable and quantum sensors easier to deploy.
Company Leadership

Jordan Russell
Co-Founder & CEO
GQE co-founder and CEO Jordan Russell completed his PhD in Physics at Washington University in St. Louis in 2019 where he studied the quantum electronic and optical properties of graphene. As one of the inaugural postdoctoral scientists for WUSTL’s Center for Quantum Leaps he led the development of novel superconducting single-photon detectors and assisted in the production of quantum noise-limited microwave amplifiers. His passions for scientific entrepreneurship, gardening, and cats are surpassed only by his love of exotic hardware.
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Kater Murch
Murch received his BA in physics from Reed College in 2002. He conducted graduate research at the University California, Berkeley, in the group of Dan Stamper-Kurn, where his research focused on Bose-Einstein condensates, cavity quantum electrodynamics, and quantum measurements. Murch conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley, in the group of Irfan Siddiqi. He joined the faculty at Washington University in 2014.