What is SpenDebt?
SpenDebt is a financial technology company helping save millions of families from financial fatalities every time they swipe their debit card or have a banking transaction. SpenDebt’s application delivers small, micropayments (ex. $1.00) allowing consumers the ability to spend-and-payoff debt such as credit cards, electric bill, medical, etc. SpenDebt offers a software-as-a-service (SaaS) payment solution to support enterprise and business customers recovering payments, including arrearages. This payment solution aggregates the company’s accounts receivables from their end customers helping to increase on-time payments, prevent defaults and reduce charged off accounts; ultimately reversing write-off allowances to bottom-line profits.

Company Leadership

Kiley Summers
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
SpenDebt’s Founder/CEO, Kiley Summers is a man of faith, husband, and father. Also, he is an Electrical Engineer from the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He has 8 years of experience working with a fortune 100 company as a Manufacturing Engineer and Business Unit Leader. His experience covers leading people, processes, and technology to produce premium products. He has led a successful $62 million automated warehouse startup, 4th in company’s history at that time. Mr. Summers founded SpenDebt after his family and he paid off $100,000 plus of debt.
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Ty’Lisha Summers
As Co-Founder of SpenDebt, TyLisha brings more than 10 years experience working for a Fortune 500 company. Using her analytical skills, she created the first simulation to prove out SpenDebt’s micropayment concept. Along side her husband Kiley, they became debt free and developed a platform to help others achieve the same!
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